Halifax Singles Dances

Halifax Singles Dances
From: Glad Simmons
E-Mail: halifaxsinglesdances@gmail.com
Event Name: Halifax Singles Dances
In Person or Virtual: in-person: In Person
Event Location: Mic Mac Aquatic Club, 192 Prince Albert Rd, Dartmouth, NS
Event Start Date/Time: December 6, 2024 8:30 pm
Event End Date/Time: December 7, 2024 12:30 am
Event Details:

Halifax Singles Dances Christmas in Dartmouth. This will be our first Christmas celebration, 2nd one to follow in Bedford for all areas. Also, this is our last singles dance in Dartmouth before Christmas and you just never know if this will be the night you meet that someone special. What a fabulous Christmas Present this would be. Definitely brings a smile to my face. Halifax Singles Dances Mic Mac Aquatic Club 192 Prince Albert Rd., Dartmouth Fri. Dec 6th 8:30 - 12:30 Doors open 8:00 pm Adm $23, Cash at the door. Casual dress, hats welcome Catering to 40s - 60s plus. Halifax Singles Dances on Facebook is where we create all the Dance Events, so we also created a sister site where singles can mingle and they DO. Dare you to post you're nervous to attend the dances alone... BOOM! You instantly have 20 new friends. Love watching the connections being made on this site. Go to: 'Singles Events in Halifax Nova Scotia.' Look for an easy, peasy template under the 'featured' section and add a little about yourself or just scroll and see what others are having to say. Also, if you don't want to miss any of the dances, be sure to click 'Follow' on our main page, Halifax Singles Dances, on FB. Want to reach us? 1. Halifax Singles Dances on FB 2. Singles Events in Halifax Nova Scotia (also, on FB) 3. Email: halifaxsinglesdances@gmail.com 4. Phone: 902-499-5353 Come see why we have become one of Halifax's busiest nightclubs. Halifax Singles Dances - Matching more than just couples, we're making friends. See you at the dances