Upcoming conference brings artists and lawyers together around entertainment law


entertainment Law


On the Edge of Now: A Conference on Emerging Trends in Entertainment, Digital and Intellectual Property Law – February 27th and 28th in Halifax


Are you an artist who wants to start a business or find ways to fund your TV or film project? Maybe you’re an aspiring writer, actor or producer and are looking for ways to make connections. Or perhaps you’re a lawyer with clients working as musicians and script writers

The Edge of Now conference can help. Its objectives are to educate artists about legal issues in the arts and the legal side of their business, and to educate lawyers about evolving entertainment law.

What’s the right digital platform for your creative content and how do you market it in a jungle of competition?   Are you trying to diversify your content and thrive in an indie production world, seizing the opportunities, and side-stepping the minefields? What about making the leap from producing tv and film and entering the videogame world, or avoiding catastrophic mistakes when seeking clearances and rights. And what’s the latest on negotiating those tricky music licensing agreements?

These topics and more will be tackled by a sparkling lineup of producers, creators and entertainment lawyers in a dynamic weekend of exploration and networking.

The conference is hosted by the Artists’ Legal Information Society (ALIS) and this year, is taking place in conjunction with Women in Film and television – Atlantic (WIFT-AT) conference, Women Making Waves – a very exciting partnership! An ALIS conference pass provides access to WIFT-AT’s Saturday sessions, and vice-versa.

It runs Friday February 27th and Saturday February 28th in Halifax.

For further information and registration details please visit nsalis.com/conference