Truck Side a’ la Burnside


Finally got to check out one of the newer places to eat in Dartmouth and … all I can say is Wow! What a great idea. This place not only offers something for everyone; Italian, Asian, Fish n’ chips (East Coast), Mexican and the ol’ faithful burger, but it offers character. There is nothing like it.

Not only were there numerous food options, but, wow, the artwork in the building was great to look at while sucking back my Grandma Pratt’s Special Spaghetti & Meat Sauce. The mural on the wall starts in the East Coast, with such attractions as “the bridges”, “ship yard” etc, and heads all the way across Canada. You will even have a “Sea-King Helicopter” above your head, don’t worry you are safe to sit under it! The fish truck artwork also features, “fishermen” delivering fresh fish to the fish n’ chip truck, cleverly placed to spot while you are gazing about.

Truck-Side is a welcomed addition to the Burnside lunch options. Having worked in Burnside, especially on the bottom end of Windmill/Akerley, options were limited to the chain restaurants,  playing a game of frogger to get across the road, or spending half your lunch hour driving to a place in upper Burnside. Now there is a place where you can go with your co-workers and you will not have to have that half hour discussion prior to lunch, which entails the usual, “where do you wanna go?”,” I don’t know, where do you want to go?” “I don’t care, but I really do care!” “I don’t feel like pasta, do you?”

Truck-side will cure your lunch time debacle of pleasing everyone. They feature the following: Lil Eatily, U-Pick Fish Seafood Shack, Gweilo Asian Noodle Bar, Cheese Curds, & Habaneros. Truck-side will still give you that side of the road food truck feeling with ample picnic table seating topped off with tasty road side goodness, not the Road Kill kind.


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You can find them at
600 Windmill Road
Dartmouth, NS  B3B 1B5

or visit for more information

Sun – Thu: 11 – 8
Fri & Sat: 11 – 9