Let us introduce ourselves, we are the Playgrounders! A duo of highly trained professional with over 40 combined years learning and perfecting the art of recreational play. Gerald, the Monkey bar Master and Akira, the Sultan of the Slides are here to relieve the hassle for you to find those hidden gems tucked away in your local community. We have compiled a list of playgrounds in your neighbourhood for you to look through and find what best suits your needs. Alright let’s get hunting!
This playground is on the corner of Belvedere and Lethbridge (9 Lethbridge Ave). It is a medium playground with a swing set. This playground is in a residential area and parking is available along the street. It offers 2 benches and a garbage can. One of the benches is in the shade, while the other is in the sun. There is a large, open grassy area for various group activities or sports. A few streets over (Locks Rd) is the entrance to Shubie Park.
This playground has a large twirling slide with incised hut at its top. There is a double slide as well as a smaller curved single slide. One monkey bar place and one activity panel. It have a staircase for easy access. It also features an interesting bumpy tongue for climbing.
This playground has a swing set of four swings. Two are baby swings and two are normal ones.
But wait! This playground is in danger of extinction! Is it really possible to lose this great resource to the community? We encourage those passionate about outdoor play to help save this playground. The sign reads…
Dear Neighbours:
The property where the community playground sits is being sold by it’s owner, St. Thomas More Parish.
Help us make sure that current residents and future generations can enjoy this wonderful park to help the neighbourhood maintain its sense of community.
Please email or call any or all of the following:
District 6 Councillor Darren Fisher – darren.fisher@halifax.ca
The office of Mayor Mike Savage – mayor@halifax.ca
St. Thomas More Parish – officeinfo@ns.aliantzinc.ca or 902-434-4190
Thank you for your support!