Nextgen: Picture Perfect Studio For Rent in Downtown Dartmouth

Jennifer Delorey and Dean Mrkic of Nextgen Studios
Jennifer Delorey and Dean Mrkic of Nextgen Studios
Jennifer Delorey and Dean Mrkic of Nextgen Studios

Jennifer Delorey and Dean Mrkic are partners in life and in business. Together they have opened Nextgen Studios, a studio space where photographers and videographers can have access to lighting, backgrounds, a beauty area and staging materials, all for an affordable fee.

Check out what Jennifer has to say about the synergy between this exciting new business and Downtown Dartmouth:


Why did you pick Downtown Dartmouth as the place to open your business?

JD: We love the Dartmouth community, plain and simple. Dartmouth is a family and it supports local talent and businesses. Nextgen studios will we hope add to that local sentiment by supporting more small business in photography, videography and art of any kind.

How did the idea for the business come about?

JD: Originally, I needed to add a studio space to my own business and Dean and I expanded on that idea to include others looking for that same thing. Finding a location to better serve clients was frustrating, so we had the thought there must be others in that same position. As well, this would allow others to transition to their own studio if they wish or have a permanent business location without a huge investment or expense. For anyone in the creative industry access can make or break a business, Nextgen will take away a lot of that risk.

How would you describe the services you offer?

JD: We offer affordable fully equipped studio rentals starting at $30 for photographers or videographers, from the enthusiasts to professional. To meet the needs of the masses we allow everything from one hour rentals to one year business memberships. Thus, we should be able to accommodate all forms of artists from the out-of-town photographer to the established business. We also offer some equipment for external usage to help on location projects.

Who will be interested in using Nextgen Studios?

JD: To be honest… anyone. The vast majority of our rentals will be directed at photographers and videographers, but we are not limiting the space to only them. We have a dual beauty station available for beauty professionals to use, plus with so many wedding venues nearby, our location is ideal bridal parties that need a place to get ready. It’s even available for industry networking and workshop events. The possibilities are endless and for us that is very exciting!

Why do you think it’s important for artists to support one another?

JD: We are looking for a Nextgen family. Having a creative mind is amazing but this is a business and having the support of other artists can be essential. In times where we struggle it can boost our moral to keep going. This industry can be ruthless, but having a central area where client and artists can come to will hopefully boost every individual associated with Nextgen, and create support or in some cases, a home for their business.


Nextgen Studios is located in Downtown Dartmouth at 79 Queen Street.
For more information, check out the website  here.